Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help


The buttons on a toolbar serve as shortcuts for common menu commands. You can hide a toolbar, drag it to a position that is more convenient, and make other changes. For more information, see Customizing Toolbars.

The toolbars for Workflow Manager's views are described in the following sections.
  • Standard toolbar-for performing basic tasks that apply to many types of items.
  • Print toolbar-for printing and previewing operations.
  • Actions toolbar-for work request and design management tasks.
  • Standard toolbar (Design Assistant)-for performing basic layout tasks.
  • Design toolbar (Design Assistant)-for design optimization and analysis tasks.
    Note: Only applies to Bentley OpenUtilities Designer.
  • Standard toolbar (Job Default Assistant)-for performing basic job default tasks.
    Note: Only applies to Bentley OpenUtilities Designer and Bentley OpenUtilities Workflow manager.
  • Report Preview toolbar-for printing and previewing report files.

Toolbar buttons are context-sensitive, so they are available only in certain views. When a button appears dimmed, the command is not appropriate for the current context or it requires a specific user capability that is not assigned to you. A toolbar command usually has a corresponding menu command in the same view.